In addition to Engineering-Procurement-Construct methodology, Prime has global expertise in overseeing single-source design-build projects.

In today’s dynamic and competitive marketplace, the design-build approach holds several important advantages:

  • It shortens timelines for the procurement process, allowing the design process to inform the next phase in a concurrent fashion.
  • It’s more adaptable to changes in delivery schedules. By allowing the design-build team to use real-time information, it can dramatically increase their flexibility in designing very specific solutions to unforeseen problems.
  • It improves opportunities for local subcontracting and LSBE participation.
  • It ensures competitive pricing during the construction procurement phase, empowering both owners and contractors, who can create their own RFPs/RFQs for sub-elements of the project.
  • Most importantly, design-build provides the owner greater flexibility, more involvement, and more manageable control of complex and distinctive projects, by allowing challenges to surface before final pricing is completed.

Prime’s expertise helps our clients reduce costs by minimizing personnel while maintaining control of scope, budget, and schedule. Because all members of the design-build team work as an integrated unit, construction proceeds simultaneously with design, shortening the project schedule.

Design-build doesn’t fit every scenario. But it has real advantages for the agency/owner and the contractor. It ensures that the owner has a single point of responsibility; has the potential to reduce change orders and shrink project schedule; and creates a more flexible and collaborative approach to important, complex projects.

When considering which method to use, it pays to talk to Prime Engineering. We have more than 25 years of experience in the design-build environment and thoroughly understand its advantages and disadvantages. Our expertise can help you make the best decision for your project.

What’s your Prime Design-Build goal?

Projects and Services


  • Fuel storage
  • Hydrant fueling systems
  • Jet bridges
  • Passenger loading gates


  • Distribution systems
  • Dock operations
  • Product and materials
  • Storage

Food and Beverages

  • Bottling lines
  • Chillers
  • Process piping

Petroleum and Fueling

  • Aviation fuel storage
  • Fuel metering and filtration
  • Pipeline breakout terminals
  • Propane drying and supply
  • Truck loading racks
  • Vehicle fuel storage


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