The foundation for planning, perseverance, & profitability
It wasn’t too many years ago that the thought of growing Prime Engineering was far more desire than reality. It was during the most recent recession and we were in a place not unique to us. The economy was in a freefall and we, like many in the AEC industry, were being pulled in a downward direction. From the number of employees to our percentage growth in revenue, our numbers were heading in the wrong direction.
It was not my favorite time.
But I can be a bit stubborn. So even during those challenging years, I clung to certain principles, certain beliefs that I feel are crucial to business success. Those principles are to:
– Be among the most respected, fiscally focused EPC firms in the world
– Sustain and enhance excellence in training and technology transfer
– Ensure that innovation, entrepreneurship, and public service are core attributes of all Prime employees
– Expand our global footprint to remain competitive in a global marketplace
– Relentlessly pursue corporate effectiveness
Ten years ago, those principles appeared distant to some. But sometimes, stubbornness pays off.
Over the last few years–and in 2018 especially–those core principles have borne fruit. At Prime, we’ve added jobs and continue to do so (don’t get me started on the challenges of finding top talent). We’ve expanded our service offerings while continuing to excel on projects that many firms won’t touch. We’ve simultaneously increased the volume and the quality of our work for Fortune 100 clients and beyond. And we’ve expanded our physical footprint with new offices opening in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Tampa, Florida, and Huntington, West Virginia.
I deeply appreciate the work that our staff continues to produce and the opportunities offered to us by our clients. As I reflect on 2018, there is a lot for which to be thankful.
But I know the world in which we all live, and it’s a cyclical one. Interest rates, trade conflicts, commodity prices, and a host of other variables can quickly turn a bright outlook into a cloudy future.
That’s why principles are important. Who you are when things are difficult defines you, both professionally and personally, far more than when life is good. So, while life is good now, I recommend thinking a bit about why that is and how it came to be. What are your principles? Your values? Your aspirations? And how do you plan to achieve them? Whether you’re 24 or 65, solid principles help you reliably navigate through calm waters and turbulent waves.
Maybe a little stubbornness is a good thing.
Here’s to a successful and satisfying 2019. May your planning pay dividends for years to come.